- Our 2024 Charity Report reflects donations of $35,980 by our generous members. Please consider a donation to these worthy causes. (3/3/2025)
- Evaluating 50 years of impact: Please read John Chromy’s posthumous publication of narratives where the cumulative efforts of Peace Corps Volunteers and their host country counterparts have become permanent elements in improving the lives of millions of people: “When Small Things Make Great Things Possible” shares a 50-year perspective on 10 Peace Corps programs that demonstrate the lasting impact of service. (3/9/2025)
- In Fond Rememberance: John W. Chromy, India 3 (10/19/2024) New stories on the Stories to Share page include a link to the story Fire in the Huts and When the Walls Came Tumbling Down by John Chromy (India 3). Check out Peace Corps Worldwide for more stories.(3/3/2024)
- Read 1964 Farewell Letter from Charlie Houston, second India Country Rep. (1/7/2024)
- Our Fall 2023 newletter is available here. (1/24/2024)
- Peace Corps Role in India’s Modern Poultry & Egg Production Industry. (7/2/2023)
- Consider archiving your PCV keepsake documents and pictures with American Univeristy or physical items to the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience (12/18/2022)
- In fond rememberance of Jack Slattery and George Nepert (12/12/2021)
- A beautiful poem by Charles Griffin about his Peace Corps experience (4/15/2016)
- Click here to view videos of speeches from the 2011 FOI picnic during the 50th anniversary. We need your help identifying groups and speakers on the videos. (9/18/2013)
On October 29, 2022, an election was completed for the Board of Directors of the Friends of India. It was encouraging that 195 members, approximately 50% of the total voters, participated in the election. The new board members are Don Camp, John Chromy, Roger Engstrom, and Roger Olson. The board term is one year. The board held their first meeting on November 19, 2022. Officer elections were the first order of business. The officers are: President Pro Tem - John Chromy, Vice-President – John Chromy, Treasurer - Roger Olson, and Secretary - Don Camp. Senior Advisors are: Bob Cohen, Brent Cromley, Tondalaya Gillespie, Thomas Howard, and Tom Roschke. Stay tuned for more news, including requests for volunteers to participate in our activities.
Friends of India is continuing to gather its membership for ongoing discussion on the future of the organization. Please contact us at foi.rpcv@gmail.com to join in the discussion and add your name and contact information to our mailing list. Your voice is needed.
The Friends of India are Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who served in India from 1961-1976, their families and friends, their Indian supervisors and counterparts, former Peace Corps/India staff and anyone who might have an interest in India and Peace Corps. We are a non-profit organization.
FOI has three goals:
(1) to continue to expand our understanding of India,
(2) provide a channel of communication and information via our newsletter and secure website,
(3) to increase awareness and support of Indian charities.
This web site complements our quarterly Friends of India Newsletter and supports our goals.