George Araujo – (Jorge) 1931-1997 and Reginald Cridler – 1912 – 1984

Remembrances and stories of some of our fellow trainees: George Araujo – (Jorge) 1and Reginald Cridler and our time in Puerto Rico together. By Larry Brown
Remembrances and stories of some of our fellow trainees: George Araujo – (Jorge) 1and Reginald Cridler and our time in Puerto Rico together. By Larry Brown
Five of us from India III and two RPCV guests spent the last week of February 2022 in Puerto Rico as guests of Joe and Linda Bette. It was officially our 59thanniversary reunion (an unusual number as it was postponed twice due to Covid restrictions). We had a wonderful time and just wished that more of you could have joined us. Attached is a brief report of the reunion. John Chromy wrote about the report: Mary--I loved the final report, especially with added photos and then the notes about your trip home and meeting Pat and Colleen in the camping ground above Rome.
Also attached to this communication is a list of all of our reunions. I have tried to remember who attended each, but could be wrong. So correct me to set the record straight.
Mary Andrews India III
Pictured below: Harry Andrews, Connie Hankins, John Chromy, Mary Andrews, Joe Bette and Linda Bette
Guy Clark, renowned Texas singer/songwriter, and member of the India III volunteer training group, performaing during training at the Univeristy of Minnesota, 1963.
India III had a GREAT 2017 Reunion in St. Paul, MN this past September. Attached is a report of that event with lots of pictures . Hope you recognize us! There were nine of us RPSVs in attendance and two spouses Donna Anderson (our hostess), Harry and Mary Andrews, Joe Bette, Larry Brown, John Chromy, Connie Hankins, Ken and Maria Lyvers and Jack Slattery with Cynthia Rogers. We missed those of you who could not make it . You would have enjoyed our many conversations and reminiscences of our days together. We know there are others of you who might be able to join us in our next reunion and there will be a next! So let us know your constraints so that we can plan accordingly. So far the suggestion is to hold the next reunion in Puerto Rico around late Jan or early Feb 2019.
We have updates on our reunion activities and past recollections for you to enjoy.
Eight of the India III cadre (Chromy’s, Bette’s, Slattery’s and Andrews’) met just after the Hankin’s Juneteenth Party at a golf resort in the Pocono Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania, Shawnee Inn. Read more here.