Peace Corps Links
Official website of the Peace Corps.
Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nation’s leading 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization connecting and championing Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and the Peace Corps community.
Peace Corps Worldwide is a virtual community of bloggers and writers sharing the Peace Corps experience online.
Peace Corps Wiki is an online database of information about Peace Corps that invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the PeaceCorpsWiki website.
A comprehensive list of country, regional and national RPCV groups.
India Groups
India-102 was one of Peace Corps' agriculture-related projects that responded to the Government of India's focus on agricultural development. India-102 supported the Intensive Agricultural Development Program in Thanjavur District.
On August 31, 1965 sixty-seven Americans arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to begin three months of Peace Corps training. After three solid months of training, 37 of us were selected as Peace Corps Volunteers and were sent to India in the g