Foreign Agriculture Service and U.S. Soy Support Aquaculture in Pakistan
An innovative Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)-funded program in Pakistan is not only improving local diets, but is creating jobs, training workers and helping create a thriving aquaculture industry with U.S. soy. Pakistan’s population is protein deficient and the Pakistani government has prioritized increasing the amount of locally produced protein to meet the nutritional needs of the population.
The American Soybean Association’s (ASA) World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) program began a three-year program last September called “FEEDing Pakistan.” ASA/WISHH is collaborating with the Pakistan Fisheries Development Board on portions of the program, which aims to enhance the country’s growing aquaculture sector through trial fish feeding using high–protein, floating fish feed produced from U.S. soybean meal. The program also provides valuable training to fish farmers, including those in rural areas. For more details about this program, see the USDA blog.
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