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India IV September 2010 Reunion Report 


In September 1963, following three months of training at UWM in Milwaukee, thirty three members of India IV arrived in various cities, towns and villages of Andhra Pradesh, India, trained to instruct in nursing, home economics, mathematics, science and English. All of them remained for the entire assigned period, the sole exception being one Volunteer, Cynthia Myers, who tragically drowned in the Bay of Bengal. During their stay a child was born to Volunteers Tom and Marlene Joyce, and two volunteers, Dick Beeler and Margie Donk, wed, Margie being given away in marriage by Peace Corps India Director Brent Ashabranner.

For over twenty five years following their return from India in the fall of 1965, very little communication occurred among the members of India IV, one notable exception being the courtship and marriage of members Richard Fabian and Georgene Walter. In 1993 a small group from India IV located others, and the first reunion was held during that summer at the Fabians' beautiful home on Squam Lake, more popularly known as "Golden Pond," in New Hampshire. Subsequent reunions were held at the same location in 1998 and 2003. In 2005 India IV held its fourth reunion at Big Sky, Montana, and in 2007 met again at Redmond, Oregon, both near places where members reside.

In September 2010 India IV once again came together for a reunion, this time at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, planned by Kathy Weede Griggs who resides in Cheraw, SC. Sixteen of the twenty six living members of India IV attended, including Lloyd Berggren (Australia), Sam Boggess (NC), Brent Cromley (MT), Margie Beeler (WA), Helene Elko (PA), Rick and Georgene Fabian (NH), Carol Hurley Simonin (CA), Gladys Jimeno (WA), Tom Joyce (OR), Jane Pendley (OH), Peter Ross (CA), Linda Salsman Ungerleider (IL), Fred Schulten (KY), Joanne Sivertson Erickson (ND), and Kathy Weede Griggs (SC). Also in attendance were Ruffin Tucker (India VI), the widower of India IV member Anne Bullion Tucker, and Lori Hawbecker (India V) who is considered an honorary member of India IV and who has attended all six reunions. Several spouses and children of members of India IV were also in attendance.

In addition, Paul Freundlich, currently Chair of the Stakeholder Council of the Global Reporting Initiative and the producer of more than twenty five documentary films and video essays, was on hand for his second appearance at India IV reunions. In the 1960's, Paul had produced a documentary entitled "A Choice I Made," based largely upon the experiences of several members of India IV, and was on hand to work on a project which involves revisiting members of India IV.

As with all prior reunions, reminiscing, story telling, Indian cooking, and photo viewing were the chief activities, although the group also took advantage of being housed fifty yards from the warm and inviting waves of the Atlantic Ocean, and also partaking of several of the area tourist sites and activities.

One of the traditions of the India IV reunions has been an auction of various items donated by the members, the proceeds going to a charitable cause determined by the host. This year nearly $1000 was raised and donated to the MercyInMe Free Medical Clinic located in Cheraw.

Both at the reunion, and in email conversations before and after the reunion, the members of India IV have discussed, and perhaps even debated, the effect of their service in India for two years, now more than forty years ago. One of our members, Helene Elko, seems to have summed up the thoughts of several of us:

"We went not really knowing what to expect or for that matter what was expected of us. We returned not really sure we had accomplished anything. We did have a sense of being a part of the larger picture that was beginning to emerge, that of global unity. Our world view was changed. It is only after years that we have become aware of the value of our experience and the importance of it in our lives. All of us have continued to work in some human service field; nursing, teaching, counseling, law, and we continue to volunteer."

Most of the members of India IV keep in fairly constant touch with the advantage of a listserv managed by member Tom Bruce (NM). More information on India IV is also available on a web site at http://brent.cromley.net/India4/.

India IV has determined that its next reunion will be in 2013, which will mark fifty years of the group's existence. The location is tentatively planned for California.

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