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President's Message December 2016

I have been thinking about the history of the Friends of India (FOI), which was started 1970s and going strong today. We started with printed newsletters and then added a website. We are now considering sending the Newsletter via email to those who are able to receive them in this manner. George Nepert, who coordinates our newsletter and FOI charities, will be contacting everyone on the FOI mailing list to see who would be able and willing to receive the FOI Newsletter by email.

In October, I attended the India 42 50th reunion in Las Vegas. Though I worked with Tom Carter on the development and placement of the Volunteers in this program, I had a hard time recognizing everyone after attending their last reunion 20 years ago. Oh how we have changed!! Everyone knew me but without name tags I was lost. After an evening libation and a trip to Mount Charleston, all was well. It was a great reunion with lots of stories about the old days.

While there, I talked about the support of FOI Returned Volunteers and others for our five FOI charities. Since the 1970s, FOI has received over $300,000 to support and help many in India to improve and maintain a better quality of life. Thank you all for sustaining these programs.

Finally, when you get a chance, please visit the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) website. The FOI website was recently featured. There is some very interesting and useful information on it, including what Peace Corps isdoing today. For example I found this very helpful in my mentoring of mentees at the University of North Carolina in Wilmington NC.

With all the best holiday wishes,

Jack Slattery

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