Memories of India 54

Dear friends,
After all these years, I continue to be saddened by the departure of Peace Corps from India . . . but it is so gratifying to see how many former volunteers remain members of the Friends of India and support the charities working in that country we all came to love so much. George has reprinted some of my poems in past issues of the newsletter, but some of you may not have seen the essay I wrote a few years ago that tried to capture the excitement that gripped India 54 during our training camp in California. Here’s the link, in case you’re interested.
If you wish, you can also get a free download of my most recent book (Jerr’s Journal: My Adventures in Social Enterprise) from my website ( – it contains 44 essays linking something from my personal life (such as the essay about India 54) or the world around me to a lesson for social entrepreneurs. Thus far more than 7,800 people in 140 countries have downloaded the book.
Founder and Executive Director
The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs
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